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2.2 Installation

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Product versions

The Blaxtair checklist can either be installed : 

  • Stand alone : Smart AI display with its craddle installed on the vehicule. The smart display is touchscreen. It allows to answer the questions.

  • Embedded to BXTO : The display of BXTO is replaced by the Smart AI display of the checklist. After filling the checklist, the smart display switchs to the BXT Origin detection live view. The checklist can be installed on an existing BXTO. A software update might be required.

The blaxtair checklist needs a 12-32VDC power. 

Installation steps

The Blaxtair checklist requires actions on the smart display and on the checklist dashboard to be functionnal. This paragraph presents the installation steps required on the smart display.



Mandatory or Optional

4G or WIFI needed



Smart display installation in vehicle



Connection to 12-32VDC on the vehicule


Smart display configuration



Network is mandatory for smart display to get vehicle/checklist information


Link with BXTO



Need to know maintenance password (5504 by default)


Smart display optional configuration through maintenance mode



Need to know maintenance password (5504 by default)

See this paragraph for wifi connection

STEP 1 - Smart display installation in the vehicle

The smart display presents the following cables :


Power/ IGN (Ignition) / Ground :

  • cradle power (red wire) and IGN (green wire) must be connected to the same power source. This source shall be disconnected when vehicle is off (Key/ IGN OFF), otherwise this could lead to vehicle battery being drained.

  • Cradle ground (black cable) must be connected to the ground corresponding to the power source.

This step is mandatory for standalone checklist and for checklist embedded to BXT Origin.

Discrete Output (optional)

  • Discrete output 1 (blue wire) can be used to connect to interact with the vehicule.
    Will be activated only if :

    • activated in maintenance mode (until key off and exit of maintenance + settings page)

    • OR activated in dashboard on the vehicle page linked to this tablet

      • AND

        • Checklist is valid

        • OR a segment interacting with the vehicle is being answered

        • OR Checklist has been answered with only “non critical” questions wrongly answered (until Key off)

Connection to BXTO (optional)

  • if BXTO is equipped on the vehicle, the 2 following connections with the smart display are required :

    • video signal from CVBS connector must be connected to smart display Video M12 connector (4pin)

    • a Discrete output of BXTO configured to be at high level when alarm is active shall be connected to discrete input 1 of the smart display (yellow wire) => THIS STEP IS MANDATORY TO GET THE ALARM SOUND ON THE TABLET IN CASE OF DETECTION WITH BXTO

This connection is critical, if fogottenn the alarm won’t be audible.

Smart display has to be locked in its cradle. We advise cradle to be secured with the provided key to avoid smart display to be dismounted as smart display is not made to work without its cradle.

STEP 2 - Smart display configuration

  • Smart display shall be set ON by powering the vehicle

  • If smart display link has been performed in the dashboard, the following page will be displayed, asking to fill the checklist. This page allows to check that the vehicle to which smart display is connected is correct


After this step, for a checklist standalone product, the checklist installation on the vehicule is complete.

If you are in the case of a BXTO embedded checklist, additional steps are required. See next paragraphs.


  • If smart display has not been linked to a vehicle in the checklist dashboard (see 2.3.1 - checklist configuration => Vehicle management step), an error message will be shown indicating this link must be carried out :
    (the image below for illsutration only - texte is incorrect and will be changed in a future Software version)


Step 3 (optional) - Smart display configuration - link with BXTO

if BXTO is installed on the vehicle (see 1), the following configuration shall be performed

  • click on the settings button (top right corner) to display following screen


  • click on “Maintenance”

  • enter password 5504 (default password) to get to the following screen :


To activate the launch of BXTO once checklist is validated, click on “Enable Blaxtair Camera Launch”. By ticking this option :

  • BXTO video will automatically be displayed 10 seconds after successful checklist is filled

  • BXTO video can be displayed 10 seconds after pressing “open camera” button on the smart display home page.

    This “open camera” button can be used for example on a faulty vehicle to benefit from the BXTO protection.

Maintenance page shall be exited before turning off system/ vehicle. Otherwise, maintenance page will remain open / accessible when turning system on again


After this step, Checklist is ready to be used on the vehicle.

Step 4 - Options offered in maintenance mode

Reminder : the following page can be accessed after clicking on “Maintenance” in the setting page and by typing related password.


  • Access to Smart display’s Serial Number (displayed on the bottom of the page)

  • “Enable Blaxtair Camera launch” : see Step 3

  • Wi-fi configuration - allows to select a Wi-fi network to be connected to - this is useful for areas with low/ no 4G coverage or for system software update


  • Pin code for configuration mode : allows to change standard password to enter Maintenance mode

  • Change output state : forces discrete output to high state (to disable vehicle limitations, if any). This allows to manually change the state of the discrete output from Low to High.

  • Factory reset : empties the smart display’s memory  - reports stored in memory.

    This can be used to force the connection with dashboard to take into account modifications (for example after activating pincode feature)

Maintenance page shall be exited before turning off system/ vehicle

Otherwise, maintenance page will remain open / accessible when turning system on again

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