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2.3 Configuration

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2.2 Installation

The Blaxtair checklist can either be installed : 

  • Stand alone : Smart AI display with its craddle installed on the vehicule. The smart display is touchscreen. It allows to answer the questions.

  • Embedded to BXTO : The display of BXTO is replaced by the Smart AI display of the checklist. After filling the checklist, the smart display switchs to the BXT Origin detection live view. The checklist can be installed on an existing BXTO. A software update might be required.

The blaxtair checklist needs a 12-32VDC power. 

Configuration steps

The Blaxtair checklist requires actions on the smart display and on the checklist dashboard to be functionnal. This paragraph presents the configuration steps required on the checklist dashboard. 

Access to Portal Link:



Mandatory or optional

to be done by



Company creation/ first company admin creation


App Admin or company admin + validation by App admin

gives access to dashboard


First driver Creation


App Admin or Company Admin

to have at least one user allowed to fill checklist


Segment creation

Optional but recommended

App Admin or Company Admin

to sort questions in the checklist


Questions creation

Mandatory (unless template questions are used)

App Admin or Company Admin

questions for the driver


Checklist creation

Mandatory (unless Checklist template is used)

App Admin or Company Admin


First Vehicle type creation


App Admin or Company Admin

one checklist type is linked to one vehicle type


First Planning creation


App Admin or Company Admin

Days / time at which checklist shall be filled by the driver


First Vehicle type creation


App Admin or Company Admin

a vehicle has one vehicle type

The steps are detailed in the below paragraphs:


Figure 1: account creation view


Figure 2 - Dashboard home page


Figure 3: Checklists and organization menus

Step 1 - Company & Company Admin account creation

There are several ways to create a [COMPANY ADMIN] account.

  • case 1 : the company does not exist in Arcure’s database

    • his account can be created by Arcure app admin after having created the company

    • or the user can sign up

  • case 2 : the company already exists in Arcure’s database

    • his account can be created by Arcure app admin

    • or by another company admin in the dashboard - Sign up is not possible (an error message will be displayed if a user tries to create an account with a company already existing)

In all cases , after approval, the new user will receive an email with a link for password creation.

Example of account creation sign up page in figure 1 at right.

[COMPANY ADMIN] gains access to dashboard HOME PAGE and will be able to;

  •  create users, 

  • vehicle types, 

  • vehicles, 

  • questions, 

  • checklists, 

  • planning , 

  • segments 

  • Visualize Kpis and analyse reports.

There are 3 sections on the left menu :

  • KPI : will show the Key Performance Indicator page

  • Checklists :

    • Questions subsection : visualize/ create / modify / delete questions that can be used in the checklists

    • Checklists subsection : visualize / create/ modify / delete checklist , select questions , link them with segment (optional), order them (optional), set min/ max time to answer the full checklist

    • Segments subsection (optional but recommended) : visualize / create / modify / delete segments, define whether the segment shall induce interaction or not with the vehicle

    • Planning subsection : visualize / create / modify planning for checklist to be asked to drivers

    • Reports subsection : access to all filled checklists


  • Companies : visualize all companies (only for Arcure app admin) or your company

  • users : vizualise / create / modify users, their role, their status

  • Vehicle types : visualize/ create / modify vehicle types, link

  • vehicles : visualize/ create / modify vehicles


Figure 4: create first driver

Step 2 - First driver creation

[COMPANY or App ADMIN] clicks the "Users" left section and then "Create user" on the top right to add a [DRIVER] account. See figure 4.

Mandatory fields are notified with an “*”. Mandatory fields depend on the selected role.

  • “Username (ID)” is optional. It will only be seen in the dashboard “users” section. It won’t be seen in the smart display.

  • “phone number” / “email” : If role “Driver” is selected, then phone and email are not mandatory. If filled, then driver’s pin code can be sent to the driver by pressing the text message icon or the mail icon. The driver needs to be saved and approved in order to send him a pincode.


  • “Role”:

    • App Admin (only available if connected as Arcure app admin)

    • Company Admin : to be used for a company admin who administrates Checklist and dashboard

    • Company Admin (checklist) : to be used for a company admin who administrates only Checklist

    • Company Admin (Dashboard) : to be used for a company admin who administrates only Dashboard

    • Installer : installer of smart displays on vehicle - NOT TO BE USED FOR NOW

    • Driver : users of the checklist on vehicles - no access to dashboard

The following features are available only for ARCURE APP ADMIN

  • “Status” - available only for Arcure APP Admin

    • to be approved : to be used to let the user approval for later - the approval can be done directly in the “users” page

    • approved : to be used to get immediate approval of the user - this will automatically send an invitation email if the role grants web access (all roles except driver)

    • blocked : to be used to revoke any access to the user

  • Company” is available only if connected as Arcure app admin. Otherwise, the company is automatically the one of the company admin creating the user


Figure 5: segment creation menu

Step 3 - Segment creation (optional)

Segments give the possibility to group questions of the checklist logically (for example “visual inspection”, “operational inspection”, etc.). The naming of segment is free.

[COMPANY or App ADMIN] clicks on Segments section in order to add as many as needed with the button on the top right corner. (see figure 5)

  • “Company” field is available only if connected as an Arcure app admin

  • the tick box “Interact with the vehicule” is to be ticked if the segment will regroup questions needing vehicle to be operated : if ticked, when driver will enter the first question of the segment, if discrete output is used (see step "configuring vehicle”), then discrete output will be set and remain at high state until the end of the segment.

The Segments general page summarizes all segments of the company and whether the segments allow vehicle unlocking (green circle) or not (red circle) (figure 6).

WARNING: Use the “interact with the vehicule” with caution

Transition from a segment not interacting with the vehicule to a segment interacting with the vehicle might lead to dangerous situations. This shall not be done while vehicle is moving.


Figure 6: segment general page


Figure 7: question recap view


Figure 8: question creation menu

Step 4 - Questions Management

The question section shows whether questions are used in a checklist or not, the text of the question (in the language set for the dashboard) and its type.

  • a “Critical” question answered wrongly will generate a failed checklist (and potential interaction with the vehicule depending on the actions of the customer)

  • a “Warning” question answered wrongly will generate a warning checklist but will not lead to lead to an interaction with the vehicle

After clicking on a question or on “create question” the page below will be displayed allowing to (see figure 8):

  • write the text of the question (For this version of checklist we manage only 2 languages : English and spanish.)

  • tick whether the correct answer to the question is “Yes” or “No”

  • tick whether the question is “Critical” or not


Figure 9: new checklist definition


Figure 10: selection of questions from template 




Figure 11: Segment association to the questions


Figure 12: timer definition

Step 5 - Checklist Management

[COMPANY or APP ADMIN] can click on the checklist section on the left to create a new checklist. He can either select an existing template or create his own Checklist (see figure 9)

if a Template is selected, there will already have a list of questions / segments selected.

[COMPANY ADMIN] then selects the questions he wants to add to the checklist and then clicks on Order questions. (see figure 10)

[COMPANY ADMIN] can then select a segment for each question and can reorder them by clicking on it, finally, he saves the checklist.

selecting a segment is optional. However, to use the “discrete output” feature, it’s necessary to use the appropriate segment. (see figure 11)

[COMPANY ADMIN] defines the maximum and minimum time needed to fill the checklist. (see fig.12)

Those parameters are in “minutes” so it’s not possible to set a minimum time to 30s. In such case customer shall choose between 0 and 1 min.

This min / max timers are important as they will lead to warning  / failed checklist if not respected.

IMPORTANT NOTE : if checklist max timer is exceeded, the checklist will be failed AND an alarm at maximum sound will be displayed until Key off. This is to avoid an inappropriate use of the vehicle.


Figure 13: vehicule type definition


Step 6 - Vehicle Type Management

This section allows [COMPANY or APP ADMIN] to create a vehicle type. Only one checklist can be linked to one vehicle type. But the same checklist can be applied to several vehicle types. (see fig. 13)


Figure 14: planning definition


Step 7 - Planning Management (OPTIONAL)

Planning is optional. If not used, Checklist will need to be filled 8 hours after last successfull checklist filled + next key off / key on. If planning is used, Checklist will need to be filled at the key off/ key on following the day/ time specified in the planning.

[COMPANY or App ADMIN] can click on Planning section and on “+ Add Template” on the top right to create a new planning.

After defining the name for this new planning, the page below will be displayed.

Clicking on “Day of the week” will allow to select days of the week (monday, tuesday, etc.) ; “Hour" will allow to define the time.

After clicking on “Add”, the planning will be updated with the days / time previously selected. See fig. 14.


Figure 15: vehicule creation


Step 8 - Vehicle Management

[COMPANY or app ADMIN] can click on Vehicles section on the left and Create vehicle on the top right corner. (see fig 15)

Description of the field / Tick boxes :

Mandatory fields are shown with an “*”

  • “Functionality selector” : only available if company has acess to Checklist AND Connect. Otherwise this bar will be masked. By ticking Checklist, Checklist feature will be available for this vehicle and only the fields related to Checklist will be shown; by ticking “Dashboard connect”, the fields related to Connect will be shown.

  • “Picture” of the vehicle can be uploaded

  • “Name” = free field for vehicle name / Id

  • “Vehicle Type” = to be chosen among the vehicle types existing in the company (reminder - this is how vehicle is linked to a Checklist)

  • “Actual mode” = Not used / not to be modified

  • “Actual status” = Not used / not to be modified

  • “Planning” - optional field :

    • if no planning is selected, the checklist will have to be filled 8 hours after the last successful Checklist filled (at the next key off / key on)

    • if planning is selected, the checklist will have to be filled at each day/ time specified in the planning

  • Device identifier - required for checklist to work on a smart display = Serial number of the smart display installed in the vehicle

  • Access by pincode: activates the pincode access or not. If activated whereas "access by checklist" is not, then pincode will be requested at each system start (Key off/ Key on) and act as an "access control" function.

  • Access by checklist: activates the checklist or not.

If Access by pincode AND Access by checklist are activated, then driver will have to enter its pincode to get the right to fill the questions of the checklist

  • Controlling discrete output: allows the system to activate a discrete output when checklist/pincode have been correctly filled. Can be connected to the vehicle to interact with the vehicle. An activated output will apply a high level voltage (similar to smart display input voltage), limited to max 200mA. 

This option not be activated if not used on the vehicule. This could lead to short cut between the discrete output and the ground.

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