2.5 In service
Please find the PDF version at this link.
This chapter describes the nominal use of checklist by a driver.
After Key on, the following page will be displayed, [DRIVER] can click on “start checklist”.
[DRIVER] selects his/her name on the list.
[DRIVER] then enters his/her PIN Code (only if "access by pincode" has been ticked in the dashboard's vehicle page)
[DRIVER] then enters his/her PIN Code (only if "access by pincode" has been ticked in the dashboard's vehicle page)
[DRIVER] answers questions of the checklist
after answeering the last question, the following page will be displayed. [DRIVER] can enter a comment (optional) and validate the checklist by ticking “I confirm” and “Send”
There are 3 possible outcomes of the checklist :
Faulty vehicle : at least one “critical” question of the checklist was wronly answered <=> checklist is failed, the vehicle is defined as “faulty”. If discrete output is used (activated in the dashboard’s vehicle page and wired to the vehicle), discrete output will change its state which may induce interaction with the vehicle. Only a valid checklist OR the “Change output state” option in maintenance mode OR the by pass of the relay mechanism allows to stop the interaction with the vehicle.
Driver can restart the checklist again if driver made a mistake while answering checklist
Warning vehicle : at least one “warning” question of the checklist was wrongly answered AND no “critical” question was wrongly answered <=> the vehicle is defined as in “warning” state. If discrete output is used, warning state WILL NOT induce any interaction with the vehicle until next Key OFF.
Checklist OK : all questions were correctly answered. If discrete output is used, no interaction with the vehicule will be activated. The “Time remaining” gives the validity time of the checklist. In example below, the checklist will be asked again in 5min33s AND the following Key Off/ On. Reminder: default validity timer is 8 hours if no planning is linked to the vehicle / the time before reaching the next slot of the planning if planning has been linked to the vehicle.
This chapter describes additional features related to the dashboard:
Key Performance Indicator
Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
[App admin] or [Company admin] can access to KPIs. KPI is access via Key Performance Indicators button at the left menu of the dashboard.
[App admin] or [Company admin] can access to all checklist reports from its fleet : reports will only be available if network is available around the vehicles.
Reports is accessed via the checklist menu at the left of the dashboard.
Reports list can be exported in a csv file
By clicking on a report, the following page is displayed showing date of the report, driver’s name, driver’s comment (if any), the questions and whether they’re critical (Yes and green) or warning type (no and red) and the answer (correct in green, wrong in red)
Automatic emailing in case of checklist warning or fail
By clicking on your account (bottom left part of dashboard page), you will have the possibility to enable/ disable automatic emails when a checklist is in error or warning.